Where is my order?

We are as unhappy with this as you are, because THAT has never been just a product to us but more of a passion. It still is. We are not a big production company but a bunch of guys who built this as a passion project.

We had complete faith in our design but were relatively new to production issues. We produce in batches which essentially means we have to rely on others to deliver in time and budget as soon as the batch order is completed.

We see you as a valued and respected customer, therefore, we take our time to painstakingly test ALL products. Keep that in mind, when you check your delivery status. All electronics companies currently struggle with supply issues. That has not changed much. To level that problem, we tried to switch to a European manufacturer but were severely disappointed with the whole process. Not only did they not deliver, they also kept our components.

Nothing in this process is your fault or concern, but it remains a problem for us to solve. Please be reassured, that neither your order has been forgotten, nor is your interest of no concern.

A lot of Analogians are currently working on solving the problem with supplying viable components, overseeing manufacturing and testing ALL final THATs. We do not want to deliver faulty products because we share your passion for a reliable THAT.

We are very sorry for the delay. We try to keep the current production status updated in our shop at https://shop.anabrid.com/pages/the-analog-thing-production-status . This page has not been updated for a few weeks but the estimates are more reliable now as we moved away from the faulty manufacturer. Please look up your order number (a number like APxxxx) in order to read off the estimated shipping date.

We also prioritize every incoming question for "where is my order". That means: We try to put our best to push your order as soon as possible through our pipeline. The next shipments will happen end of January and there is a good chance that your order can make it through.

Please contact us with your questions and concerns. And look forward to the newsletter as we will explain the manufacturing problems in details there.
